New Drinking Habits Under COVID-19?

It is no secret that people drink, and some drink a lot. With a new and scary world in front of us, hitting the bottle doesn't seem like such a terrible idea. Especially while sitting at home in your sweatpants, pajamas, lounge wear, etc. Covid has changed our world, and drinking habits are no exception.

How have alcohol drinking habits changed?

Have you found yourself drinking more often than you used to? If the answer is yes, you're not the only one. One would think that the amount of people drinking would be dramatically less since bars are closed, restaurants aren't open at full capacity, and parties aren't what they used to be.

Drinking to fill a void that the uncertainty, stress, disruptions to everyday life, loss of security, being away from family and friends that the pandemic has left in people has stimulated others to develop heavier drinking habits.

What are ways I can avoid the temptation?

Contrarily to popular belief, being at home alone is actually worst for some recovering alcoholics. The isolation and loneliness can be too much for anyone and especially for those who are having an even greater difficult time with social distancing.

  • Urge surfing
  • Virtual meetings with sponsors
  • Virtual meetings with your physician (Telehealth)
  • Meditation
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Virtual AA meetings
  • Planning and developing drink refusal skills

What happens if I relapse?

Simply put you start again. Relapses are going to happen, whether we are living in the middle of a pandemic or not. But because we are living under a pandemic relapses are more likely to happen. For about a million different reasons. Set backs will and do happen. It is what you do next that matters.

For more information about the services or any questions or concerns you may have please check out what Embracia Health Clinic offers, follow the link.


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