Detox is the first step to rediscovering the person you were meant to be.
Inpatient Detox
What Is Inpatient Drug and Alcohol Treatment?
Inpatient treatment for substance abuse is carried out in our affiliated hospitals by our partners at DetoxPro.
The treatment begins with our clinicians getting a good understanding of your specific needs. Our treatment team will evaluate your medical health, mental health, and chemical use history to design an individualized drug or alcohol detoxification plan for you.
With your consent, our medical staff may also talk with your family members and other professionals you might already be working with to address your needs and challenges.
Because addiction is a disease that affects your body, mind, and spirit, we bring a multidisciplinary team together to provide you with a holistic healing plan. Your licensed team members for residential treatment may include:
∙ Physicians
∙ Nurses
∙ Psychiatrists
∙ Licensed addiction counselors
∙ Nutritionists
∙ Wellness and fitness specialists
∙ Continuing care coordinators
∙ Financial advocates
∙ Clinical case managers -
How Does Detox Work?
Detox is the first step in helping your brain and body heal from substance abuse. The detox process begins with evaluations by medical doctors and nurses to determine which, medical interventions are needed. It is the stage where we flush the chemicals out of the body. This process, without the right intervention, can be extremely uncomfortable, or even dangerous. We pride in taking extra steps, to help ease your discomfort and/or drug cravings. Our hospital medical staff will work with you to evaluate your level of discomfort and provide you with appropriate medications, to address any symptoms or cravings.
During the detox process, you will be medically monitored 24/7 until medical staff determine you are stable enough to take part in the next step of your journey.
What Happens in Inpatient Addiction Detox?
Once you check-in, you will be welcomed in your room by your treatment team, who will evaluate your medical and mental health, and your chemical use history to design an individualized drug or alcohol detoxification plan for you. You will stay in your private hospital room, where you can be visited by your friends and family. You can keep your phone or computer with you at all times to stay in touch with the outside world.
Our drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs are based on science, evidence, and our experience of what works best in helping people get sober and stay sober.
We continue to evolve and advance the use of evidence-based treatments to provide our patients with the best opportunity for lifelong recovery from substance use disorder. Inpatient addiction treatment focuses on stabilization and assessment of your health to ensure you are ready–physically, psychologically, and emotionally–to learn about core recovery concepts and to begin practicing recovery principles.
How Do I Know If I Need Inpatient Detox for Substance Abuse?
People who benefit most from an inpatient level of addiction treatment typically fall into one of four categories:
∙ Individuals who are at a high risk of experiencing drug or alcohol withdrawal
∙ Individuals who have experienced a relapse
∙ Individuals who have tried a less intensive level of drug or alcohol treatment but were unable to stay sober
∙ Individuals who have other medical problems, or are older.Most patients who come to us for inpatient detox also struggle with comorbid psychiatric disorders, such as depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder, that need to be addressed during addiction treatment.
Another factor to consider in choosing between inpatient and outpatient rehab options is whether you have a healthy and supportive home environment where your recovery will be a priority. If you do, outpatient treatment could be a good fit. Otherwise, an inpatient treatment program where you will have a built-in system of support will probably be the most effective option.
How Long Does Inpatient Detox Last?
The Hospital inpatient length of stay for detoxification will be based on your progress in meeting specific clinical milestones. Our clinical team will work with you and your family as well as your insurance provider to come up with the best timetable and plan for you.
When you are discharged from inpatient treatment, you will receive recommendations for follow-up care and ongoing recovery support to strengthen your sobriety and reduce the risk of relapse. Like diabetes or hypertension, addiction is a chronic disease. Regaining your health means learning to manage your symptoms, first within the structure of an inpatient rehab program possibly, and eventually in your home environment where you are in charge of maintaining and strengthening your recovery.
How Much Does Inpatient Addiction Detox Cost?
The cost of inpatient detox programs is often covered by your medical insurance. In case the patient does not have insurance, we offer on a limited basis a deeply discounted financial package so that every patient has an opportunity for recovery.