Mental Health A Short Summary:

Mental health is a relatively new practice that feels like it is constantly changing. Making it seem nearly impossible to keep up with all of the changes. To help you navigate through a lot of research our blog will attempt to e a source of easy to read, explain and understand all matter associated with mental health. Mental disorders have historically always had a very negative reputation, from misusing and mislabeling people who are suffering as "crazy" or "unstable".

What is a Mental Disorder?

A mental disorder according to is defined as, "Mental disorders (or mental illnesses) are conditions that affect your thinking, feeling, mood, and behavior. They may be occasional or long-lasting (chronic). They can affect your ability to relate to others and function each day." Mental disorders are also known as mental illnesses.

How Many Mental Disorders Are There?

In short, there is no exact answer. Some research suggest that there are more than 200 classified forms of mental illnesses. It is important to note that mental disorders are not a, "one-size-fits-all". There are different symptoms that may present in any number of combinations. Typically signs of mental disorders may begin around the age of 14 years old, but they may present at both younger and older ages.

How Common Are Mental Disorders?

Very. Research suggest that 1 in 5 United States adults will be diagnosed with a mental disorder at some point in their life. A survey done by the National Survey on Drug and Health (NSDUH) by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) estimated that only half of the people sugaring through a mental disorder are actually receiving treatment.

What Causes Mental Disorders?

There is no exact cause for mental disorders. It is important to know that mental disorders do not "just happen" and they have nothing to do with being weak. There are often many early signs that you should always keep in mind. Although, there are multiple internal and external factors that may increase your risks for mental disorders, the following are:

Internal Factors:

  • Genes and family history
  • Biological factors such as chemical imbalances in the brain
  • A mothers exposure to viruses or toxic chemicals while pregnant

External Factors:

  • Life experiences such as stress or history of abuse
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Use of alcohol or recreational drugs
  • Having a serious medical condition like cancer
  • Having few friends and feeling lonely or isolated

How are Mental Disorders Diagnosed?

  • A detailed medical history
  • A physical exam and lab tests. If your doctors think that other medical conditions could be causing your symptoms
  • A detailed psychological evaluation. It would involve answering questions about the way you think, feel, and behave.

For more information about what services Embracia Health offers, if you have questions, or want to book an appointment, follow the link.


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